
          Theodora had a lot of political power. She influenced Justinian's decisions greatly. Theodora had Justinian pass many laws. First, she had him pass a law that established greater toleration for Monophysite believers who were persecuted by orthodox Christians. Next, she had him pass a law that senators or people of a high class like Justinian could marry actresses like herself. (Internet) One of her greatest influences was during the Nika Revolt of 532. The Justinian and Theodora, supporters of the Blues, came to the Hippodrome. This created a riot. The Greens attacked the Blues and Constantinople was practically destroyed. The Blues and Greens later then teamed up and went to fight Justinian. Justinian was ready to flee Constantinople but Theodora said "Imperial purple makes the best burial sheet". This meant that it is better to die a king than to die running away from people. This moved Justinian and he put a stop to the revolt, helping him get a firm grip on power. If it weren't for Theodora, Justinian would have most likely fled Constantinople. (Judson Knight: p. 200-205)